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FractalRouting is an extremely flexible and powerful rules-based call routing engine that enables dynamic, centralized routing and carrier management on disparate voice gateways and switches. Designed on an open architecture,

FractalRouting is capable of interfacing with any voice gateway or switch using GKTMP, RADIUS and other middleware, and exchange data for efficient call routing. When combined with FractalBilling, it provides a complete solution for call routing and billing that would meet the requirements of carriers of all sizes.

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The primary purpose of FractalRouting is to reduce costs and improve profitability by building intelligence into the call routing engine that automates and streamlines operations while ensuring quality. FractalRouting enables intelligent least cost routing (LCR) taking into account quality parameters such as answer seizure ratio (ASR), post-dial delay (PDD) and average call duration (ACD). It offers a variety of additional routing capabilities based on peak/off peak hours, weekends, holidays, and various other rules-based scenarios. Additionally, it supports conventional call routing using parameters such as ANI, DNIS, source carrier, time of day, day of week, date and time series, round-robin, percent-wise distribution, and priority lists.

FractalRouting allows platform owners to provide hosted call routing services to third parties on an application service provider (ASP) model. These third parties, called hosted service providers, can bring their own routes and use the platform for intelligent call routing. They can administer all aspects of the service through a web-based intuitive and comprehensive Self-Provisioning Interface.



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